Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Big Data Interview Questions that you Cant Miss to Prepare!
Big Data Interview Questions that you Cant Miss to Prepare! Big Data Interview Questions that you Canât Miss to Prepare!8 min read Read ing Time: 6 min utesData is empow er ing every thing around us. It is the era of big data sci ence and ana lyt ics and that is why the demand for skilled data pro fes sion als has increased mas sive ly. There fore, we are pro vid ing you with a list of most fre quent ly asked big data inter view ques tions and answers. So that you can pre pare for the big data and be assured of suc cess. More and more com pa nies are inclined towards the use of big data in order to func tion al ly run their oper a tions. From data ana lysts, data sci en tists to Big Data Engi neer, the posi tions are numer ous to choose from if you want to start a career in the field of big data. Being well pre pared for the big data inter view ques tions and answers will give you an edge over the oth er appli cants. This arti cle has a list of ques tions rang ing from the most basic to the most advanced ones. 1. What do you understand by Big Data? Big data is a col lec tion of com plex unstruc tured or semi-struc tured large data sets. These sets help a com pa ny in gain ing action able insights. These insights help the busi ness es under stand their work ing in a deep er sense. The data col lect ed ana lyzes and uncov ers pat terns and infor ma tion which oth er wise might not be avail able. 2. Define the five Vâs of Big Data? The five Vâs of big data are; Vol ume: It is the data vol ume in Petabytes which gives infor ma tion about the amount of data which grows at a high rate. Vari ety: The data types curat ed from Big Data pro cess ing are of var i ous kinds. For instance, data for mats of text, audio and videos. Veloc i ty: Veloc i ty is sim ply the rate at which the data grows. Verac i ty: High vol ume of data often brings in incon sis ten cy and incom plete ness. There fore, veloc i ty indi cates this uncer tain ty in data. Val ue: Busi ness can also gen er ate rev enue by con vert ing the accessed big data into val ues. Know that this is one of the most com mon ques tions asked in the inter view. How ev er it depends on you as to how you wish to answer the ques tion, depend ing upon the response of the inter view er. You can men tion only the names if that is what asked. Or you could explain the five Vâs fur ther in detail if the recruiter is inter est ed in hear ing from you fur ther. 3. Mention some of the best tools used for Big Data? Var i ous tools are used for the pur pose of import ing, sort ing as well as ana lyz ing data. Some of these tools are; Apache Spark Apache Hive Cas san dra Apache Flume Apache Pig Mon goDB Apache Splunk Apache Hadoop MapRe duce Apache Sqoop 4. Explain how big data analysis is helpful in increasing business revenue? With this answer, you can actu al ly explain to the recruiter as to why you think big data is impor tant. The first and fore most rea son is that it explains the dif fer ences between the busi ness es and that is how they increase the rev enue. Big data ana lyt ics also helps busi ness es ana lyze the needs and pref er ences of the cus tomers through big data solu tions, on the basis of which they launch new prod ucts. 5. Define what is clustering? Clus ter ing is the process of group ing of sim i lar objects into sets which are known as clus ters. Clus ter ing is an essen tial part in data min ing. It is also used in sta tis ti cal data analy sis. Some of the pop u lar clus ter ing meth ods include par ti tion ing, hier ar chi cal, den si ty-based as well as mod el based. Also, objects clus tered in one group are most like ly dif fer ent than the objects clus tered in anoth er group. 6. How would you justify Big Data Analytics as important? Big Data ana lyt ics has been use ful and impor tant for busi ness es because it helps busi ness es equip data. This equip ment and data stor age helps them to iden ti fy and not miss the new oppor tu ni ties. Because of this fac tor, busi ness es do not end up mak ing absurd deci sions. More over, busi ness es tend to make smarter deci sions and moves. As a result, there are effi cient oper a tions and high er prof its for the busi ness. 7. Do you have any experience in Big Data Analytics? If so, then explain about it. It is obvi ous that this ques tion would have no spe cif ic answer since it is an objec tive answer. With these kind of big data inter view ques tions, the inter view er wants to hear from you about your expe ri ence. They also want to know about your work ing tech niques and whether you would be fit for the job role that you are inter view ing for or not. Make sure to give a detailed answer to these kind of big data inter view ques tions. Share all your past expe ri ences and also add sto ries to your answer so that the answers sound inter est ing. Give details about all the major tasks that you under went while at your pre vi ous job. And also state all the projects that you were a part of and made con tri bu tions to. But you need to be care ful about the fact that you do not make your answer go over board. This ques tion is gen er al ly asked dur ing the start ing of the inter view itself. So you need to be very care ful by answer ing this one. All of the oth er answers that shall be asked to you in the inter view will be based on the answer you give for this ques tion. There fore, do not just stick to one aspect of your pre vi ous expe ri ence. 8. Would you prefer good data or good models? Give reasons for your choice. Most can di dates pre fer to answer this ques tion accord ing to their expe ri ence. Just be sure to nev er choose both options as your answer because this answer would lack prac ti cal i ty. It is hard to have both good data as well as mod els in actu al i ty. If you answer the ques tion from your expe ri ence, you will also have valid rea sons to prove your choice of the answer. This way you would be able to give a detailed answer and not sound absurd. 9. How are Big Data and Hadoop related? Undoubt ed ly, Hadoop and Big Data go hand in hand. The func tion ing of Hadoop depends on Big data. And the pro cess ing of Big Data is depen dent on Hadoop. Basi cal ly, Hadoop is the gate way for mod el ling all oth er appli ca tions for Big Data. 10. Specify what are the essential Hadoop tools that are required for effective working of Big Data? Hadoop has a num ber of essen tial tools that help in enhanc ing the per for mance of big data. Ambari, âHBase, ZooKeep er, Mahout, Flume, Hadoop Dis trib uted File Sys tem, Sqoop, Pig are some of the exam ples. 11. Why do you think Hadoop is needed? The main rea son why Hadoop is need ed is because it brings scal a bil i ty. It gets easy to build solu tions for a spe cif ic amount of data. On the oth er hand, get ting solu tions for increas ing the amount of data is com plex. 12. How do you think Apache Hadoop resolves the challenge of big data storage? The strong file sys tem of Hadoop, HDFS enables solv ing all ends of the data stor age. HDFS is stored as a bina ry so it does not have any schema and is high ly com pressed in nature. In fact, the file sys tem also main tains redun dan cy. Due to this, there is data reli a bil i ty even in con di tions when the machine fails. 13. Mention the steps taken to deploy a Big Data Selection? Deploy ing Big Data Selec tion com pris es of three steps; Inges tion of Data Data Stor age Data Pro cess ing 14. What are the components of Hadoop? The three major com po nents of Hadoop are: HDFS â" It is a java based dis trib uted file sys tem. It is basi cal ly used for data stor age. And it requires no pri or orga ni za tion. MapRe duce â" It is a pro gram ming mod el. MapRe duce process es large data sets in par al lel. YARN â" Yarn is a frame work that man ages resources as well as han dles requests from all the dis trib uted appli ca tions. 15. Define the various features of Hadoop. This ques tion is also one of the most asked big data inter view ques tions. The var i ous fea tures of Hadoop are; Open-Source: Open Source frame works are inclu sive of source codes. These source codes are avail able as well as acces si ble all over the World Wide Web. These code snip pets can also be rewrit ten, edit ed or mod i fied. This depends on the require ments of the users and the ana lyt ics. Scal a bil i ty: Hadoop runs on com mod i ty hard ware. But even then, addi tion al hard ware resources can be added to new nodes. User-Friend ly: The user inter face of Hadoop is very sim ple. There fore the frame work of Hadoop is per fect. Clients do not have to han dle dis trib uted com put ing process es any more because the frame work takes care of it. Data Recov ery: Hadoop splits blocks into three repli cas across clus ters, there by allow ing the recov ery of data. It allows the users to recov er data from node to node. The recov ery is need ed in cas es of fail ure. Hadoop recov ers these tasks and nodes auto mat i cal ly in such cir cum stances. Data Local i ty: Data Local i ty is the fea ture of Hadoop which moves com pu ta tion to data instead of mov ing data to com pu ta tion. Data is there by moved to clus ters instead of being brought to a loca tion where in MapRe duce algo rithms are processed as well as sub mit ted. 16. What are Edge Nodes in Hadoop? The gate way nodes in Hadoop which act as the inter face between the exter nal net work and the hadoop clus ter are the Edge Nodes. The run ning of client appli ca tions and clus ter admin is tra tion tools in Hadoop is done by Edge nodes. These are then used as stag ing areas for data trans fers to the Hadoop clus ters. The world of Big Data is extend ing con tin u ous ly. And so are the job oppor tu ni ties for big data pro fes sion als. With this set of big data inter view ques tions and answers, you will have an idea about the kind of ques tions that are asked. And also the kind of answers that you should be giv ing while inter view ing for big data job pro files. Good luck with your inter view! If you are ful ly pre pared, thereâs no stop ping! big data interview questions
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